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A medaCy Dataset facilities the management of data for both model training and model prediction.

A Dataset object provides a wrapper for a unix file directory containing training/prediction
data. If a Dataset, at training time, is fed into a pipeline requiring auxilary files
(Metamap for instance) the Dataset will automatically create those files in the most efficient way possible.

When a directory contains **both** raw text files alongside annotation files, an instantiated Dataset
detects and facilitates access to those files.

Assuming your directory looks like this (where .ann files are in `BRAT <>`_ format):
    ├── file_one.ann
    ├── file_one.txt
    ├── file_two.ann
    └── file_two.txt

A common data work flow might look as follows.

    >>> from import Dataset
    >>> from medacy.pipeline_components.feature_overlayers.metamap.metamap import MetaMap

    >>> dataset = Dataset('/home/datasets/some_dataset')
    >>> for data_file in dataset:
    ...    (data_file.file_name, data_file.raw_path, dataset.ann_path)
    (file_one, file_one.txt, file_one.ann)
    (file_two, file_two.txt, file_two.ann)
    >>> dataset
    ['file_one', 'file_two']
    >>>> dataset.is_metamapped()
    >>> metamap = MetaMap('/home/path/to/metamap/binary')
    >>> with metamap:
    ...     metamap.metamap_dataset(dataset)
    >>> dataset.is_metamapped()

MedaCy **does not** alter the data you load in any way - it only reads from it.

When a directory contains **only** raw text files, an instantiated Dataset object interprets this as
a directory of files that need to be predicted. This means that the internal Datafile that aggregates
meta-data for a given prediction file does not have fields for annotation_file_path set.

When a directory contains **only** ann files, an instantiated Dataset object interprets this as
a directory of files that are predictions. Useful methods for analysis include :meth:``,
:meth:`` and :meth:``.

External Datasets

In the real world, datasets (regardless of domain) are evolving entities. Hence, it is essential to version them.
A medaCy compatible dataset can be created to facilitate this versioning. A medaCy compatible dataset lives a python
packages that can be hooked into medaCy or used for any other purpose - it is simply a loose wrapper for this Dataset
object. Instructions for creating such a dataset can be found `here <>`_.
wrap them.

import argparse
import json
import logging
import os
import pprint
from collections import Counter
from pathlib import Path

from import Annotations
from import DataFile

[docs]class Dataset: """ A facilitation class for data management. """ def __init__(self, data_directory, data_limit=None): """ Manages directory of training data along with other medaCy generated files. Only text files: considers a directory for managing metamapping. Only ann files: considers a directory of predictions. Both text and ann files: considers a directory for training. :param data_directory: Directory containing data for training or prediction. :param data_limit: A limit to the number of files to process. Must be between 1 and number of raw text files in data_directory """ self.data_directory = Path(data_directory) metamap_dir = self.data_directory / 'metamapped' self.metamapped_files_directory = metamap_dir if metamap_dir.is_dir() else None self.data_files = self._create_data_files() self.data_limit = data_limit or len(self.data_files)
[docs] def _create_data_files(self): data_files = [] all_files_in_directory = os.listdir(self.data_directory) all_file_base_names = {f.split(".")[0] for f in all_files_in_directory} for file_name in all_file_base_names: txt_path = None ann_path = None metamapped_path = None potential_txt_path = self.data_directory / (file_name + ".txt") if potential_txt_path.exists(): txt_path = potential_txt_path potential_ann_path = self.data_directory / (file_name + ".ann") if potential_ann_path.exists(): ann_path = potential_ann_path if self.metamapped_files_directory: potential_mm_path = self.metamapped_files_directory / (file_name + ".metamapped") if potential_mm_path.exists(): metamapped_path = potential_mm_path if txt_path or ann_path: new_df = DataFile(file_name, txt_path, ann_path, metamapped_path) data_files.append(new_df) return sorted(data_files, key=lambda x: x.file_name)
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.data_files[0:self.data_limit]) def __len__(self): return len(self.data_files)
[docs] def is_metamapped(self): """ Verifies if all fil es in the Dataset are metamapped. :return: True if all data files are metamapped, False otherwise. """ if self.metamapped_files_directory is None or not self.metamapped_files_directory.exists(): return False for file in self.data_files: potential_file_path = self.metamapped_files_directory / f"{file.file_name}.metamapped" if not potential_file_path.exists(): return False # Metamapped file could exist, but metamapping it could have failed. # If the file is less than 200 bytes, log a warning. file_size_in_bytes = os.path.getsize(potential_file_path) if file_size_in_bytes < 200: logging.warning(f"Metamapped version of {file.file_name} is only {file_size_in_bytes} bytes. " f"Metamapping could have failed: {potential_file_path}") return True
def __str__(self): """ Prints a list-like string of the names of the Datafile objects up to the data limit (can't be used if copied and pasted) """ return str([d.file_name for d in self])
[docs] def compute_counts(self): """ Computes entity counts over all documents in this dataset. :return: a Counter of entity counts """ total = Counter() for ann in self.generate_annotations(): total += ann.compute_counts() return total
[docs] def compute_confusion_matrix(self, other, leniency=0): """ Generates a confusion matrix where this Dataset serves as the gold standard annotations and `dataset` serves as the predicted annotations. A typical workflow would involve creating a Dataset object with the prediction directory outputted by a model and then passing it into this method. :param other: a Dataset object containing a predicted version of this dataset. :param leniency: a floating point value between [0,1] defining the leniency of the character spans to count as different. A value of zero considers only exact character matches while a positive value considers entities that differ by up to :code:`ceil(leniency * len(span)/2)` on either side. :return: two element tuple containing a label array (of entity names) and a matrix where rows are gold labels and columns are predicted labels. matrix[i][j] indicates that entities[i] in this dataset was predicted as entities[j] in 'annotation' matrix[i][j] times """ if not isinstance(other, Dataset): raise ValueError("other must be instance of Dataset") # verify files are consistent diff = {d.file_name for d in self} - {d.file_name for d in other} if diff: raise ValueError(f"Dataset of predictions is missing the files: {repr(diff)}") # sort entities in ascending order by count. entities = [key for key, _ in sorted(self.compute_counts().items(), key=lambda x: x[1])] confusion_matrix = [[0 * len(entities)] * len(entities)] for gold_data_file in self: prediction_iter = iter(other) prediction_data_file = next(prediction_iter) while str(gold_data_file) != str(prediction_data_file): prediction_data_file = next(prediction_iter) gold_annotation = Annotations(gold_data_file.ann_path) pred_annotation = Annotations(prediction_data_file.ann_path) # compute matrix on the Annotation file level ann_confusion_matrix = gold_annotation.compute_confusion_matrix(pred_annotation, entities, leniency=leniency) for i in range(len(confusion_matrix)): for j in range(len(confusion_matrix)): confusion_matrix[i][j] += ann_confusion_matrix[i][j] return entities, confusion_matrix
[docs] def compute_ambiguity(self, dataset): """ Finds occurrences of spans from 'dataset' that intersect with a span from this annotation but do not have this spans label. label. If 'dataset' comprises a models predictions, this method provides a strong indicators of a model's in-ability to dis-ambiguate between entities. For a full analysis, compute a confusion matrix. :param dataset: a Dataset object containing a predicted version of this dataset. :return: a dictionary containing the ambiguity computations on each gold, predicted file pair """ if not isinstance(dataset, Dataset): raise ValueError("dataset must be instance of Dataset") # verify files are consistent diff = {d.file_name for d in self} - {d.file_name for d in dataset} if diff: raise ValueError(f"Dataset of predictions is missing the files: {repr(diff)}") # Dictionary storing ambiguity over dataset ambiguity_dict = {} for gold_data_file in self: prediction_iter = iter(dataset) prediction_data_file = next(prediction_iter) while str(gold_data_file) != str(prediction_data_file): prediction_data_file = next(prediction_iter) gold_annotation = Annotations(gold_data_file.ann_path) pred_annotation = Annotations(prediction_data_file.ann_path) # compute matrix on the Annotation file level ambiguity_dict[str(gold_data_file)] = gold_annotation.compute_ambiguity(pred_annotation) return ambiguity_dict
[docs] def get_labels(self, as_list=False): """ Get all of the entities/labels used in the dataset. :param as_list: bool for if to return the results as a list; defaults to False :return: A set of strings. Each string is a label used. """ labels = set() for ann in self.generate_annotations(): labels.update(ann.get_labels()) if as_list: return list(labels) return labels
[docs] def generate_annotations(self): """Generates Annotation objects for all the files in this Dataset""" for file in self: if file.ann_path is not None: yield Annotations(file.ann_path, source_text_path=file.txt_path) else: yield Annotations([])
def __getitem__(self, item): """ Creates and returns the Annotations object with the given file name, else raises FileNotFoundError; useful for getting Annotations objects from parallel Datasets :param item: the name of the file to be represented (not including the extension or parent directories) :return: an Annotations object """ path = os.path.join(self.data_directory, item + '.ann') return Annotations(path)
[docs]def main(): """CLI for retrieving dataset information""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Calculate data about a given data directory') parser.add_argument('directory') args = parser.parse_args() dataset = Dataset( entities = json.dumps(dataset.get_labels(as_list=True)) counts = dataset.compute_counts() print(f"Entities: {entities}") pprint.pprint(counts)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()